Market Research

Consumer Goods Intelligence also offers customised research services at a competitive price to food and beverage related companies to fit in to their individual needs and specifications. The type of work that we carry out include:
• Consumer Surveys – Quantitative consumer surveys begin with a minimum sample base of 100 at an incremental cost beginning and averaging US$7,500. Costs include questionnaire design, coding, data analysis and report writing. We can conduct brand awareness/positioning survey, competitive analysis and consumer behavioral studies. In addition, unlike other research agencies, we are able to provide personalised services and attention to all our client needs.
• Industry Surveys – We conduct studies on market sizes, trends, major players, distribution channels and existing products through corporate interviews and secondary research. Costs average US$5,000-US$10,000 for a full sectoral study on one country. However, if you are a subscriber to Asia Food & Beverages, we can also assist you to get small pieces of information at nominal fees.
• Storechecks – Costs depend on the number of product categories and the stores covered. On average, one product category covering 5 stores costs US$3,500-US$5,000 depending on country in ASEAN. Price/ brand/ variant/ market information will be provided in the analysis.