ADM recent proprietary consumer insights platform has uncovered new and emerging trends shaping the global human microbiome market which is expected to reach US$9.1 billion by 2026.
The role of microbiome in the human gut is gaining more traction as 58% of global consumers are now aware of the potential benefits that bacteria in the digestive system can have on their overall health (ADM Outside Voicesm).
A separate survey conducted by FMCG Gurus in 2022 has confirmed this with a growing majority of consumers in ASEAN region specifically recognising the link between their immune system and a healthy digestive system. (see Table 1.0)
AFBR has the opportunity to interview Lois Mo, Marketing Director, Health & Wellness, APAC at ADM to gain more insights on the importance of microbiome and the ingredients that will support the balanced growth of beneficial microbiome in the human body. The following are excerpts from the interview with her.
What are the 5 major components/ingredients that support human microbiome that will see growing application in food and beverage products ?
- Spore Probiotics have been gaining more attention from customers due to its potential health-supporting applications and better survivability and shelf-life compared to regular probiotics. ADM’s Bacillus subtilis DE111®* is a spore-forming probiotic which can protect itself through manufacturing and through digestion. Some of the health benefits include supporting gut and immune health[1].
- Postbiotics are bioactive compounds made when healthy bacteria in our gut, known as probiotic bacteria, feed on various types of prebiotic food, such as fibers. Studies conducted by ADM showed that postbiotics are easy to work with due to their heat stability[2]. This makes it possible to include them in many food and beverage applications such as confectionery, snacks, baked goods and beverages, that would otherwise be unsuitable for probiotic inclusion. Postbiotics can enjoy greater applications in Southeast Asian markets such as Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines where shelf-stable dairy still dominates the innovation landscape[3].
- Synbiotics are a great way to compliment probiotics. The term refers to the synergy created by getting both probiotics and prebiotics to support the human microbiome. ADM’s PreforPro® is a versatile, next-generation prebiotic that is a bacteriophage blend. An excellent combination with Bacillus subtilis DE111®*, they have each demonstrated characteristics to help modulate the microbiome[4],[5], and is backed by separate human clinical studies.
- ADM’s OutsideVoiceSM research revealed that fiber was found to be the number one ingredient consumers want to add to their diets for reasons like digestion, weight management and satiety. To meet this demand, ADM developed Fibersol®, a flexible, well-tolerated dietary fiber that supports digestive health. Fibersol® is classified as a low-FODMAP (fermentable oligo-saccharides, disaccharides, mono-saccharides and polyols) ingredient, which means it contributes less gut aggravation for individuals with digestive sensitivities.
- Protein is another trend that sees rising popularity as busy consumers look for nutrient-dense products to meet their nutritional goals. Around 61% of global consumers said they have exercised more in the last 2 years[6]. Out of these consumers, the top purchases to help with exercising in the last 6 months have included protein, sports and energy bars, RTD high protein drinks and protein powder for beverages4. Many consumers are turning to wholesome nutrition from plant proteins to fill this need, and developers must balance consumer desire for products that are nutritious and provide the full sensory experience.
What do you consider to be the Top 5 food and beverage products that will see growing application of ingredients to support the human microbiome ?
- With fiber being an emerging ingredient, there is room for further innovation with fiber in dairy and beverage products, like Yogurt and Ready-to-Drink (RTD) Beverages. ADM’s Fibersol® line makes it easy to incorporate prebiotic fiber in various applications without compromising on flavor and texture.
- Chocolate is one of the main go-to products for today’s consumers seeking guilt-free indulgences with ingredients derived from natural sources. A recent ADM OutsideVoice? sweetening study showed that 67% of consumers are very or somewhat concerned about sugars and sweeteners in foods and beverages.
- Many snacking trends can be attributed to consumer behavior related to COVID-19. More consumers are looking for convenient Snacks that satisfy cravings and for a way to indulge, while also adding positive nutrition to their diets.
- 66% of global supplement consumers seek out Supplements formulated to support immune function. Recognising that a healthy gut helps to support elements of their immune systems, ADM’s proprietary probiotic, Lactobacillus rhamnosus CNCM I-4036, is designed to support elements of immune function.
As more probiotics spores and postbiotics enter the market, we will see more opportunities to create diversified microbiome-based functional products to fulfil consumers’ needs.
What are the 5 major benefits/functions that consumers usually seek in such products ?
- Research showed that 65% of global consumers are interested in dietary means to support their immune function due to COVID-19[7]. There is a growing consumer interest in microbiome-supporting ingredients, as it is generally known that approximately 70% of the immune system is in the gut. In fact, 77% of global consumers are more likely to buy immune-supporting products with scientific claims that support the effectiveness of ingredients[8].
- Consumers are motivated to support their digestive health, and they are connecting the microbiome to a root of health and wellness. As a result, consumers are actively seeking out better-for-you products which can be formulated to support digestive health. Recognising this, ADM’s proprietary probiotic, Lactobacillus rhamnosus CNCM I-4036, has been shown to positively impact some anti-inflammatory markers and inhibit certain pathogenic organisms[9],[10]. Consumers are highly concerned with what they put in their bodies, and our strains are supported by clinically documented results.
- Beyond the gut, many consumers believe that probiotics may positively affect their skin’s microbiome. To meet this demand, ADM has developed formulations to help support Skin Health, and a growing number of clinical trials demonstrate the role of the gut microbiome in skin health that inform development of probiotic formulations that address skin care. While the nuances of the gut-skin link are still emerging[11], researchers have started to pinpoint key differences in individuals’ microbiota, creating new opportunities in the market for probiotic ingredients in various applications that support skin health.
- 53% of consumers said that products designed to support Brain Health are appealing. According to a study from the University of Oxford, BioKult’s multispecies probiotic supplement has shown that the product can support mood along with other related cognitive measures. Consumers are paying more attention to the impact their food, beverage and supplement choices may have on their overall wellbeing, and we see a growing belief among consumers in a connection between mind and body.
- Tailored Solutions are increasingly important, with 49% of consumers believing every individual is unique and requires a customised approach to their diet[12]. As the personalised nutrition phenomenon gains hold, ADM is continually identifying new synergies between biotics to meet their different health and wellness needs. Developers can get ahead of the curve with ADM’s cutting-edge solutions and deep technical expertise to meet with consumers’ evolving needs and expectations.

How can ADM work with food manufacturers to capitalise on the growing consumer demand for microbiome-based products ?
The pandemic has elevated awareness of the importance of gut health as related to immune function, providing fertile ground for innovation within the food, beverage and dietary supplement industry. With the microbiome becoming the new frontier for the next generation of nutrition solutions, consumers want specialised nutrition products that support their personal wellness goals.
ADM brings health and wellness brands into the future with cutting-edge solutions and deep technical expertise to help develop innovative products that align with consumers’ evolving needs and expectations.
A key challenge in the product development stage is to retain functionality throughout formulation. ADM’s product development know-how, technical ingenuity and a deep understanding of the market helps customers develop products that do not compromise on taste, texture and functionality, providing them with an enjoyable sensory experience.
Our ingredients at ADM are backed by science through a global network of nutrition scientists, clinical researchers and regulatory experts. Our science-backed ingredients support the gut microbiome, including prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics, to deliver added consumer-preferred attributes into supplements and functional foods and beverages.
As an end-to-end solutions provider, we also support brands by unlocking innovative applications that will give their business an edge. From understanding consumer need states and developer challenges to leveraging our unparalleled portfolio, ADM supports them from the initial ideation stage all the way to final product.
What do you foresee to be the future of products using microbiome-supporting ingredients ?
From 2015 to 2020, Mintel research highlighted an impressive 113% growth in the Asia-Pacific region alone for new product launches that included combinations of prebiotics and probiotics, signifying a huge growth opportunity for the microbiome-related segment.
In Asia Pacific, the Prebiotics market surpassed US$1.4 billion in 2019 with a projected CAGR of 10.5% between 2020 and 2026[13]. Meanwhile, the Asia Pacific Probiotics market crossed US$900 million in 2019 and is projected to grow at 8% annually between 2020 and 2026.
ADM is exploring synergies between postbiotics, prebiotics and probiotics, to develop synbiotic blends that target specific health and wellness needs. Consumers are increasingly aware of the role of healthy digestive system in their overall wellbeing, and we expect consumer interest in health and wellness solutions, especially those that support the immune function, to grow in the future as the full ramifications of the global pandemic are realised.
[1] 2022. Benefits – DE111. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 September 2022].
[2] 2022. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 September 2022].
[3] Mintel – Unlock postbiotics’ potential in Southeast Asian dairy
[4] Grubb, D.; et al. (2020) Nutrients, 12(8), 2474
[5] Colom J.; et al. (2021) Front. Microbiol., 12:715863.
[6] FMCG Gurus, Active Nutrition – Global, September 2021
[7] FMCG Gurus, How Has COVID-19 Changed Consumer Behavior, March 2021
[13] 2022. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 August 2022].
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